My whole Sunday was thrown off today.
It’s that time of the season where NY is heavily populated by tourists who feel the need to take pictures of stupid and random stuff… like billboards and street signs…taking up the entire sidewalk to do this. MOVE TRICK, IM TRYING TO GET TO WORK!
After seeing Times Square, The Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State Building… the next stop is Harlem! The mecca of the black church. I’ve never vacationed and decided to tour a church service… but to each its own. Honestly, it’s weird. I think it’s wonderful if people want to come to church, but do it because of your love of the Lord… not because you have seen a black church scene on TV or a Movie and you find it amusing to watch Sistah Monroe or Deacon Jenkins pass out after their holy running man dance to the choir’s version of latest “ WOW GOSPEL” 2009 super mix.
I believe Sunday is the most segregated day of the week. Each race goes to their respective institutions… and it’s like the Harlem churches don’t know what to do with all the European tourist, but place them in their own section away from the black church members… its’ like stepping into 1959. But the thing that upsets me is that the tourists pull out cameras and take pictures. This is inappropriate! And once the singing is over… all 500 of them get up and leave…. Don’t even stay for the word. I guess after the “shuckin and jiving” there is nothing left to see?
Anyway. Today I brought a friend to church with me today… who was quite bothered by the segregation as well. The black line… and the white line.
Stacy “Why are their separate lines?”
Me “We are black so they assume we are members”
Stacy “WOW”
We were running late so we had to sit in the balcony. Baptism was taking place. After what seem like the whole world got baptized 2 songs were sung and the little kids did a praise and worship dance. That’s when the preacher announced that it was “Open Pool” and that anyone who felt it in their spirit could come up and get baptized.
Me “WHHAAAAAATTTT? It’s 1pm and I have yet to hear the word!!!!!!!”
Stacy just sat there giving side eye lol.
Mad ppl took off running to the back to get changed into the white attire.
Pastor “Come all. Don’t miss this opportunity! If you just got your hair done get it done again! God is waiting!”
WOW. I have been going to church my entire life and have NEVER seen a “last call”/ “open bar” for wading in the water.
The time was now 1:33pm… still no sermon. Next thing we know the preach says this…
Preacher “The doors to the church are open”
WHAT! NO SERMON! Honestly, I could have slept in for all that. I’m happy that 48 people decided to dedicate their life to Christ today, but I really needed to get the word so I could have a productive week.
To top it off it was 90 degrees today and I waited for my food at an un air-conditioned KFC for 45 min…. just to try 2 pieces of the new grilled chicken (which was a little dry) and a burnt biscuit.
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