(Scroll down for part one)
I opened the email and began reading the tip sheet. The woman in my research boss’s office was right. It was The Ghetto Film School 4th Annual Benefit Dinner and Awards. I began to feel better as I Googled the school and learned that they’ve produced for many film festivals and media outlets such as CNN. The money raised at this benefit was towards funding a documentary the students would be shooting in Africa. Why would such a great group want to be connected with a word (“ghetto”) which… depending on who you are… could bring up negative connotations?
At the event I was to land interviews with The Beastie Boys and Hip-Hop Entrepreneur Damon Dash. While getting to the third name it clinked as to why the magazine wanted to attend the event…. Designer ZAC POSEN was expected. The benefit was being held at a swanky Chelsea restaurant. Chelsea is an area of Manhattan that is not in the least bit ghetto. Chelsea is very posh and it often referred to as the gay area of town.
Upon my arrival that evening I was annoyed. Very wealthy people donned in their diamonds, Gucci, and whatever else signals “rich” to you came through the door. They would say in their very proper boarding school voices “Excuse me.. Is this the Ghetto Awards?” as if they were saying “Pardon me…. Do you have any Grey Poupon?” I was not sure how much abuse of the word ghetto (by people who did not seem to even know what one was) I could bare to listen to.
That’s when I spotted 2 members of the legendary hip-hop group The Beastie Boys.
As I approached them they read who I was representing off the press pass around my neck.
Beastie Boys “We don’t do fashion” one said jokingly
Me “ Well…Fashion is a statement and hip-hop is one of the biggest statements to ever hit the world. But, what’s important tonight is THIS benefit… as we are gathered to celebrate our youth doing powerful things through the art of film. Would you mind talking to me about The Ghetto Film School and why organizations such as this are important?” (don’t hate me cause I’m good)
With that they began talking and I got a wonderful interview. One down… 2 celebs to go. I went searching for fashion designer Zac Posen…. Who never came, but I am sure he gave a very generous donation.
We were all asked to take our seats so they could begin the program and be served dinner.
MC “Thank you all for coming to The Ghetto Film School’s 4th Annual Benefit and Awards.”
The next thing to come out of his mouth left me more confused than ever.
MC “A Ghetto is a specific area of a community where people who share like circumstances congregate. People are often outcasts. Film is Ghetto. We are sharing in the experience of Film. There is no medium like it… making us an outcast” (crowd claps)
Umm… FALSE! Am I the only person who thinks Film = Ghetto… is a HUGE stretch?
About 20 min into the program walked in Damon Dash. I’m not going to accuse him of hitting the blunt or being drunk… I’ll just say he seemed to be feeling life. He was seated right next to me. 20 min late and causing a disturbance… he took out his i-phone and passed it around the table.
Damon (to the table… as the program was going on) “This is my new baby girl. She is 2 weeks old!”
Me (holding the phone) “She is beautiful, looks just like Rachel.”
Damon (looking at me like I was the biggest stalker ever) “Who are you?”
Me (laugh) “I’m J, entertainment and red carpet reporter”
Damon “I hear an accent… you from Chicago?”
Me “I’ve spent a great deal of time there… but I’m from Iowa”
Damon “POTATOES!!!!!!”
Me “It’s corn” (I already knew what the next question was going to be)
Damon “They have black people in Iowa?” (If I had a penny for every time I was asked that)
Me “Actually, my family and I integrated the whole state!”
Damon “Oh?”
Me “Not so much”
I turned back around to listen to whatever it was the speaker was talking about. I turned to take a bite of my appetizer when I noticed my plate was licked clean. I looked over at Damon.
Damon “You wasn’t going to eat that were you?” (as he finishes off his plate)
I just smiled and rolled my eyes. Damon then begins talking to his publicist.
Damon “Am I supposed to speak?”
PR “No”
Me “I don’t mean to butt in… but you are supposed to speak”
Damon “How do you know?”
Me (Holding program) “Because this says so”. (He needs to fire his people and get at me… how do you come to an event and not know you are the keynote speaker?).
Just as I pointed out that he was speaking the MC announces him to the stage. Mouth all full and everything.
Damon (under breath) “Oh shit”
He walked slow to the podium. I have to give it to him. For someone who did not plan on speaking and was not in a sober state of being… he did a good job.
Damon “This is a very important cause to me and I am going to tell you why. I feel like I’m a dude that’s survived a pretty extreme circumstance. I’ve been lucky enough to be in a position to be able to visually show all these things that defines me as a man. The swagger in the hood… you see this in front of you? This is the hood. And it’s the coolest place on the planet. But, when I try to make movies about it I always have to hand it over to someone who doesn’t understand that experience. They know nothing about that swagger. So get me someone that is from the Bronx! And get me some directors and some DP’s and all that so they can understand and I’ll split it up I’ll break bread… I’ll share it with you all! (He went on for a little while longer talking about the film projects he had done.”
After he was done he walked back to our table. I signaled to him to bend down so I could whisper in his ear.
Me “you are supposed to present the scholarship award to the winner”
He winked at me as a thank you and ran back on stage.
As the ceremony broke for dinner a woman sitting on my other side asked me about my Iowa to New York transition. I told her all about how I moved to NY to work in entertainment media and was living in a woman’s hostile as I was trying to save money for an apartment. We talked for a while about my goals, education, internships,…. She seemed impressed.
By this time a round of calamari was sent to the table. Mmm my fav!
Damon “Are you aware of what that stuff is?”
Me “Yes, fried squid”
Damon “And you are just going to eat it?”
Me “Yes…”
Damon “You eat things that breath under the water?”
Me “I never thought of it like that… but I guess I do.” (What was the point of this conversation?)
Damon “I don’t eat anything that breaths underwater or flies. Would you eat a seagull?”
Me “I’ve never been offered any… so I cannot tell you the answer to that. But, I can tell you that I do not eat red meat……..”
I then pull my recorder out of my bag.
Me “Enough about me, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”
Damon “On or off record?”
Me “ummm… on?” (I wonder if he thought I was going to ask him about some Jay-Z stuff)
I held my recorder towards his mouth.
Me (very serious) “So (a take a pause)… When did you fall in love with hip-hop?”
Me “I’m just playin! I’ve always wanted to say that!”
Damon “Girl, you are funny!”
Me “Ha, Can’t a girl have Brown Sugar Dreams? But really… I have a few questions my editor wants me to ask for future articles.”
Damon “okay”
Me “What ringtone/tones do you have?”
Damon “I’m a grown ass man, I don’t do ringtones.”
Me “You are a grown ass man… dually noted. As the country is “going green” what are you doing to help preserve the environment?”
Boy was that the wrong question! He went into like a 20 min rant about some eco friendly car he was producing. My eyes were too glazed over when he was done. Right as he finished the question… the woman whom I had my life conversation with came up to me all extra drunk, with some old dude on her arm.
Drunk woman “J, this is my Husband. He works for CNN.”
(CHA-CHIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was TOO HAPPY inside!)
Me “Nice to meet you sir.”
Drunk woman “I bet you have never met anyone from CNN before, small town girl such as yourself.” (her tone did not set well with me… and she does not know who I know)
Me “Actually, I was CNN Anchor Don Lemon’s intern when he was at WMAQ NBC-5 in Chicago. And while I was there summer 2006, Roland Martin was the head of a prominent Chicago publication… The Chicago Defender… he used to come to NBC to give interviews all the time. I would talk to him before he went on air. He too is at CNN now. I keep in touch with both of them and see them every year at the National Association of Black Journalist Convention”.
I was extremely polite when I said this. I just had to put it out there that I have been exposed to “people of importance” … don’t get it twisted… nothing about me is “small town”. And most important don’t underestimate the people coming out of my state!“I PUT ON FOR MY CITY, ON ON FOR MY CITY!”
Drunk woman (turns to husband) “Honey, isn’t that impressive. This one is good. And So articulate!”
My skin began to crawl and my body got hot. I knew I was there representing my magazine so I had to maintain all professionalism… but this lady was pushing it. I spoke with her husband for a min and exchanged information. (At the end of the day… he was not that big time at CNN… at least not on Don and Roland level!) Her husband walked away.
Drunk woman “Look J, I want to help you out. I know publishing does not pay well. I enjoy helping others. I live in a big loft on the upper eastside with my 3 kids. We have a spare bedroom. Wouldn’t you like to live with us? I travel a great deal so it would just be you and my husband most of the time. My kids are great! You would just have to watch after them. Again… this could be a wonderful opportunity for you!”
WHAT IN THE AUNT JEMIMA HELL WAS THIS WOMAN TALKING ABOUT???!!! Leaving me at home with her husband? Watching her kids? Just trying to help? HAS SHE HAS LOST HER MIND!?!?!?!?
Me “That all sounds wonderful…..”
Drunk Woman “Judy… my name is Judy”
Me “Judy, but I am afraid that I did not come all the way out here to pursue the dream of being your mammy.”
I flashed her a smile and gracefully excused myself from the conversation. What a hott mess of a woman!
The time was now 11:30pm and I still had to get home and transcribe all these interviews and write a story to be turned in by 7am. I found Damon Dash and told him how much I enjoyed his company and left. I was not going to get turned into anyone’s house negro. Especially not at any event called The Ghetto Awards!
At the event I was to land interviews with The Beastie Boys and Hip-Hop Entrepreneur Damon Dash. While getting to the third name it clinked as to why the magazine wanted to attend the event…. Designer ZAC POSEN was expected. The benefit was being held at a swanky Chelsea restaurant. Chelsea is an area of Manhattan that is not in the least bit ghetto. Chelsea is very posh and it often referred to as the gay area of town.
Upon my arrival that evening I was annoyed. Very wealthy people donned in their diamonds, Gucci, and whatever else signals “rich” to you came through the door. They would say in their very proper boarding school voices “Excuse me.. Is this the Ghetto Awards?” as if they were saying “Pardon me…. Do you have any Grey Poupon?” I was not sure how much abuse of the word ghetto (by people who did not seem to even know what one was) I could bare to listen to.
That’s when I spotted 2 members of the legendary hip-hop group The Beastie Boys.
As I approached them they read who I was representing off the press pass around my neck.
Beastie Boys “We don’t do fashion” one said jokingly
Me “ Well…Fashion is a statement and hip-hop is one of the biggest statements to ever hit the world. But, what’s important tonight is THIS benefit… as we are gathered to celebrate our youth doing powerful things through the art of film. Would you mind talking to me about The Ghetto Film School and why organizations such as this are important?” (don’t hate me cause I’m good)
With that they began talking and I got a wonderful interview. One down… 2 celebs to go. I went searching for fashion designer Zac Posen…. Who never came, but I am sure he gave a very generous donation.
We were all asked to take our seats so they could begin the program and be served dinner.
MC “Thank you all for coming to The Ghetto Film School’s 4th Annual Benefit and Awards.”
The next thing to come out of his mouth left me more confused than ever.
MC “A Ghetto is a specific area of a community where people who share like circumstances congregate. People are often outcasts. Film is Ghetto. We are sharing in the experience of Film. There is no medium like it… making us an outcast” (crowd claps)
Umm… FALSE! Am I the only person who thinks Film = Ghetto… is a HUGE stretch?
About 20 min into the program walked in Damon Dash. I’m not going to accuse him of hitting the blunt or being drunk… I’ll just say he seemed to be feeling life. He was seated right next to me. 20 min late and causing a disturbance… he took out his i-phone and passed it around the table.
Damon (to the table… as the program was going on) “This is my new baby girl. She is 2 weeks old!”
Me (holding the phone) “She is beautiful, looks just like Rachel.”
Damon (looking at me like I was the biggest stalker ever) “Who are you?”
Me (laugh) “I’m J, entertainment and red carpet reporter”
Damon “I hear an accent… you from Chicago?”
Me “I’ve spent a great deal of time there… but I’m from Iowa”
Damon “POTATOES!!!!!!”
Me “It’s corn” (I already knew what the next question was going to be)
Damon “They have black people in Iowa?” (If I had a penny for every time I was asked that)
Me “Actually, my family and I integrated the whole state!”
Damon “Oh?”
Me “Not so much”
I turned back around to listen to whatever it was the speaker was talking about. I turned to take a bite of my appetizer when I noticed my plate was licked clean. I looked over at Damon.
Damon “You wasn’t going to eat that were you?” (as he finishes off his plate)
I just smiled and rolled my eyes. Damon then begins talking to his publicist.
Damon “Am I supposed to speak?”
PR “No”
Me “I don’t mean to butt in… but you are supposed to speak”
Damon “How do you know?”
Me (Holding program) “Because this says so”. (He needs to fire his people and get at me… how do you come to an event and not know you are the keynote speaker?).
Just as I pointed out that he was speaking the MC announces him to the stage. Mouth all full and everything.
Damon (under breath) “Oh shit”
He walked slow to the podium. I have to give it to him. For someone who did not plan on speaking and was not in a sober state of being… he did a good job.
Damon “This is a very important cause to me and I am going to tell you why. I feel like I’m a dude that’s survived a pretty extreme circumstance. I’ve been lucky enough to be in a position to be able to visually show all these things that defines me as a man. The swagger in the hood… you see this in front of you? This is the hood. And it’s the coolest place on the planet. But, when I try to make movies about it I always have to hand it over to someone who doesn’t understand that experience. They know nothing about that swagger. So get me someone that is from the Bronx! And get me some directors and some DP’s and all that so they can understand and I’ll split it up I’ll break bread… I’ll share it with you all! (He went on for a little while longer talking about the film projects he had done.”
After he was done he walked back to our table. I signaled to him to bend down so I could whisper in his ear.
Me “you are supposed to present the scholarship award to the winner”
He winked at me as a thank you and ran back on stage.
As the ceremony broke for dinner a woman sitting on my other side asked me about my Iowa to New York transition. I told her all about how I moved to NY to work in entertainment media and was living in a woman’s hostile as I was trying to save money for an apartment. We talked for a while about my goals, education, internships,…. She seemed impressed.
By this time a round of calamari was sent to the table. Mmm my fav!
Damon “Are you aware of what that stuff is?”
Me “Yes, fried squid”
Damon “And you are just going to eat it?”
Me “Yes…”
Damon “You eat things that breath under the water?”
Me “I never thought of it like that… but I guess I do.” (What was the point of this conversation?)
Damon “I don’t eat anything that breaths underwater or flies. Would you eat a seagull?”
Me “I’ve never been offered any… so I cannot tell you the answer to that. But, I can tell you that I do not eat red meat……..”
I then pull my recorder out of my bag.
Me “Enough about me, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”
Damon “On or off record?”
Me “ummm… on?” (I wonder if he thought I was going to ask him about some Jay-Z stuff)
I held my recorder towards his mouth.
Me (very serious) “So (a take a pause)… When did you fall in love with hip-hop?”
Me “I’m just playin! I’ve always wanted to say that!”
Damon “Girl, you are funny!”
Me “Ha, Can’t a girl have Brown Sugar Dreams? But really… I have a few questions my editor wants me to ask for future articles.”
Damon “okay”
Me “What ringtone/tones do you have?”
Damon “I’m a grown ass man, I don’t do ringtones.”
Me “You are a grown ass man… dually noted. As the country is “going green” what are you doing to help preserve the environment?”
Boy was that the wrong question! He went into like a 20 min rant about some eco friendly car he was producing. My eyes were too glazed over when he was done. Right as he finished the question… the woman whom I had my life conversation with came up to me all extra drunk, with some old dude on her arm.
Drunk woman “J, this is my Husband. He works for CNN.”
(CHA-CHIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was TOO HAPPY inside!)
Me “Nice to meet you sir.”
Drunk woman “I bet you have never met anyone from CNN before, small town girl such as yourself.” (her tone did not set well with me… and she does not know who I know)
Me “Actually, I was CNN Anchor Don Lemon’s intern when he was at WMAQ NBC-5 in Chicago. And while I was there summer 2006, Roland Martin was the head of a prominent Chicago publication… The Chicago Defender… he used to come to NBC to give interviews all the time. I would talk to him before he went on air. He too is at CNN now. I keep in touch with both of them and see them every year at the National Association of Black Journalist Convention”.
I was extremely polite when I said this. I just had to put it out there that I have been exposed to “people of importance” … don’t get it twisted… nothing about me is “small town”. And most important don’t underestimate the people coming out of my state!
Drunk woman (turns to husband) “Honey, isn’t that impressive. This one is good. And So articulate!”
My skin began to crawl and my body got hot. I knew I was there representing my magazine so I had to maintain all professionalism… but this lady was pushing it. I spoke with her husband for a min and exchanged information. (At the end of the day… he was not that big time at CNN… at least not on Don and Roland level!) Her husband walked away.
Drunk woman “Look J, I want to help you out. I know publishing does not pay well. I enjoy helping others. I live in a big loft on the upper eastside with my 3 kids. We have a spare bedroom. Wouldn’t you like to live with us? I travel a great deal so it would just be you and my husband most of the time. My kids are great! You would just have to watch after them. Again… this could be a wonderful opportunity for you!”
WHAT IN THE AUNT JEMIMA HELL WAS THIS WOMAN TALKING ABOUT???!!! Leaving me at home with her husband? Watching her kids? Just trying to help? HAS SHE HAS LOST HER MIND!?!?!?!?
Me “That all sounds wonderful…..”
Drunk Woman “Judy… my name is Judy”
Me “Judy, but I am afraid that I did not come all the way out here to pursue the dream of being your mammy.”
I flashed her a smile and gracefully excused myself from the conversation. What a hott mess of a woman!
The time was now 11:30pm and I still had to get home and transcribe all these interviews and write a story to be turned in by 7am. I found Damon Dash and told him how much I enjoyed his company and left. I was not going to get turned into anyone’s house negro. Especially not at any event called The Ghetto Awards!
That's a damn shame. Celebs can't always rely on the PR.
Ahhhh I love your blog J! This story was so entertaining! Keep up the good work :D
Holding it down with those rich folk! Funny, funny!
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