Isn't it funny how in 2 days I have managed to come across just about every guy I have ever dated or talked to? Let me explain.
The only boyfriend I still keep in touch with is a club dj. We didn't work out, but we send "What it do" texts to each other from time to time. He text me that he would add me and as many of my friends as I wanted to his VIP list. I went... after all who can turn down a free night.
Since our break up he has had 3 girlfriends (one in which he moved to New Mexico to live with). Does it bother me? Honestly, not really. I am a firm believer that your exes are your exes for a reason and frankly we just are not equally yoked. I walked in and coincidentally he was in the corner talking to the cousin of another ex boyfriend of mine. I walked over and said hello. My exboyfriend gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. "You want your drink... a sex on the beach...right? I was driving so I told him to get me a Sprite. .... I was left with the cousin of my last ex boyfriend whom I broke up with in the middle of my sophomore year of college and have not had a serious boyfriend since.... I lost my ability to ever want the girlfriend title.
Cousin "Wow, JAWS???!!! How are you doin shawty???" (umm are we in Texas now?) "It's been a while!"
JAWS is my initials (Jessica Ashley Wilson Superstar) / childhood nickname/ the name I used when I was radio personality before leaving for college. It will always be a part of me... but now that I'm older the name sounds like something you would call some hood rat chick that loves to "work her jaws" if you get my drift.
Me " I'm fine Mo, how are you?" (Mo stands for "money" none in which this negro has)
Cousin "I see yo fine baby gurl... it amazes me how my cuz let a piece like you go."
That was funny... I asked myself that for years before realizing that his cousin had did me the biggest favor in life!
Me "Yea well, shit happens"
Cousin "What are you doing in town? You move back?"
I'm getting really tired of people asking me why I'm in Iowa... as if I am not from here and my parents don't live here.... is it a crime to visit my mamma?
Me "Im just here for the holidays"
Cousin "You plan on hittin up yo ex A.C. while you here? I know he would like to see you"
Me "I hadn't planned on it..... is he still making those five dollar footlongs at Subway?" (after we broke up he got fired from his job at the YMCA and took a job working at Subway... you know as an ex I am obligated to take a cheap shot)
Cousin "EAT FRESH!" cousin then busts out laughing at his joke. "But really, when is the last time you talked to him?"
me "He called me about 2 years ago from an AA retreat" (Im not making this up)
Cousin "Yea, that nigga is whiled...wreckless... but was actuallly tryin to do some shit when you was around"
By this time Dj ex comes back with the beverages.
Cousin "Aiight Jabba JAWS. If I don't see you before you out you know yous always welcome to swing by my moms. We all still livin in her apartment. She still cookin on Sundays." (dude is like 29 still sleeping in a bunk bed)
Why was I not surprised.
Dj ex just starts staring at me
me " take a pic it will last longer! haha! why are you looking at me like that"
Dj "You was the one I let go"
me "boy BYE! You cheated on me with the town hoe... and then you" (I was interrupted)
Dj "Why you got to even go there. Im sayin... you are a good girl. Smarter than any female I know... funny as hell... well liked... and your business is not all out on the streets. You aren't out there like alot of these girls."
me "sounds like someone just wants a free trip out to NY... I am not the one."
Dj "I mean hey... that sounds like fun, but you know I'm not on that. You really are the one I let go! Anyway, i got to get back and take my turn on these tables... if you out before my sets over.... the least you can do is say bye first."
He walked away. I stood there and watched as he put his signature silver headphones on over his ears and faded into the next song. I was thinking about how we used to co dj events together back in the day. How I was so desperate to master the turn tables that i would sneak in his strip club gigs every Thursday when i was in HS so he could teach me to scratch as he played the music the strippers worked the pole to(this sounds oh so hood now that I reflect). That's when my reminiscing was interrupted by a pat on my shoulder.
Marcus "what's up Ms Lady!"
Marcus was a dude i talked to the summer before my Jr year in college. He too was a DJ and worked in the sales department of KISS FM (the Radio Station I did part time promotions for).
me "hey you... whats going on?"
Marcus "not much pimp, how many dudes you got out there in the rotten apple?"
me "whatever Marcus. how are things?"
Marcus "Welp, me and Jill are about to get married. I'm engaged!" (I could tell he could not wait to tell me that... truth is I was alerted in my minni feeds of this about 3 weeks ago)
I only know one sista named Jill and her last name is Scott.... I knew this chick was white. I'm not one to get all upset when I see black guys with white girls... honestly 90% of the brothas that date white girls... I'm not interested in them in the first place. But, seeing that Marcus and I dated... that puts him in that 10% I would date... which meant I was irritated.
me "well, isn't that magicalllllll!"
Marcus "still a smart ass I see"
Me "I can be... you mad quick to wife her up, but yet you strung me along for quite some time"
Marcus "you were in school and I did not want to deal with the whole long distance thing... you know that hon"
Me "I WENT TO SCHOOL 1 hour and 45 MIN AWAY! THAT IS NOT LONG DISTANCE YOU ASS WHOLE! But I'm sure that Becky... Im sorry Jill... would have dropped out for you and went to community college. All while letting you live with her rent free and drive her car."
Marcus (busts out laughing) "You're a trip! (funny he does not deny the whole rent and car thing) So you want to catch a movie... grab a bite... how long are you here?"
Me "You real bootleg and ultra trifling for asking me out just now. (I'm laughing at this point) Congrats Marcus! I'm going to go ahead and get out of here."
Marcus (shouts after me) "Hit me up JAWS!"
I really wish these dudes would stop shoutin JAWS all loud in the middle of the club. This night was starting to overwhelm me and I just wanted to get out of there, but I had to get up to the Dj booth to thank my ex for the pass and say goodbye.
I get up to the Dj booth and wave cause I know he can't hear me. He singles that he is going to call me and I turn around to leave. Then the most embarrassing thing happened. He gets on the mic!
Dj "bye Jessica!" (he then puts on my fav song in high school.... Snoop Dogg and Pharell "Beautiful") "I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW YOUS MY FAVORITE GIRL!"
Dude was drunk and singing the song to me over the mic. I ran out of there so fast.
The next evening was New Years Eve. As I was walking into a new club my eyes met with my first HS boyfriend. He had his hair all slick fakin like he was Puerto Rican.
He smiled. I flashed a fake grin and kept on walking. He looked different to me now then he did when I was 16. Then he was a star football player, total meat head... but fine. Carmel complected (half black/white) tatted up, gorgeous smile, dark eyes, muscular build, with oh so much swagger. He was18 but looked 23... truth is.... he probably was 23 (he was held back a few times). Now... he just looked raggety.
(quick back story)
We went to different high schools. We met in summer school. I was there to get ahead... he was there because he flunked two classes during the regular school year. He asked me to be his girl at this fast food joint called Arbys... I told him I wanted some good curly fries.
One day after school 2 girls (1 of them pregnant) wanted to beat me up... claiming their home girl was his girlfriend. I was alone and quite frankly could not whoop on pregnant girls (isn't that attempted murder?). Right as they where about to attack the city bus came by. I had no clue where the bus was going... but I jumped on it and ended up at the public library. Once there I called a friend to give me a ride back to the school parking lot where my car was parked. Of course when I called him that night... he had no clue who the girls were... and denyed having another chick. The next day I was ready with my crew... but the girls did not show.
Weeks later he was expelled from school. A few months earlier he had stole all the babies from the child development class, he also took a trophy out of the school's case... and the final straw was him fighting a girl in the school hallway. You see, his mother had passed a few years earlier and she gave him a chain that he donned around his neck in remembrance of her. This girl tried to snatch his chain off. So... he whooped her ass. Thing was... she was in a gang (yes Iowa has bootleg gangs) and some of her fellow hoodlum friends went to my school. So the next day (you guessed it) they were waiting at my locker to take their revenge out on me.... who at the time had NO idea he layed hands on ole girl. The thug bitches didn't touch me.... just talked a whole lot of mess.
2 weeks later me and dude stopped talking. I found out he got a chick pregnant. Yea, I dealt with alot of male BS at an early age... that's why I don't tolerate it now.
(end of back story)
We never talked in the club that night. Every time I turned around he was right behind me. The girl he was with looked like T.I's baby mamma Tiny from Escape. He kept making it a point to bump into me.. but then would never say anything. I just would look at him... flash a smile and walk away.
Then I ran into my prom date's brother.
prom dates brother "JAWS! Ive been looking for you forever girl! You still doing the music thing? I'm trying to get signed!"
me "aren't we all trying to get signed (I was being slick)... nah man. how are you?"
Dates Bro "Maintainin. But I've been looking for you!"
Me "you already said that"
Date's bro "But fo real tho"
Me "How's your brother????!!!!!"
Date's bro "Man, He is in Fort Dodge now"
Me "When did he move up there... all that's in Fort Dodge is the prison"
Date's bro "That's where he is at... in jail."
WAS HE SERIOUS??????????? I COULD NOT TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me "Man! WHAAAAAAAAT??? For real. You better not be lying right now... I'll hit you in your throat!"
Date's bro "Naw he got himself into some shit. He was living with me and the cops came and took him away for probation violation. He was in trouble for theft. He stole some Hennessy from the grocery store.... that was the first offence... then he made stealing a habit."
Me "let me get this straight.... My sweet innocent prom date.... stole some Hen and is now in the PEN?"
Date's bro "yea man. He's been there since July... he gets out in March sometime."
I then got a vision of some sweaty dude named Big Tyrone turning my guy into his bitch. Bench pressing him for his morning work out and then making him give him a message when it was all over.
Me "Well, thanks for the update... Im going to go let that marinate."
I walked away. That was the most bizarre 2 days ever! I realized that I need to do a much better job in picking out the guys that I associate with. Seriously. I must break this pattern. Expect big changes in my 09 dating life!
The only boyfriend I still keep in touch with is a club dj. We didn't work out, but we send "What it do" texts to each other from time to time. He text me that he would add me and as many of my friends as I wanted to his VIP list. I went... after all who can turn down a free night.
Since our break up he has had 3 girlfriends (one in which he moved to New Mexico to live with). Does it bother me? Honestly, not really. I am a firm believer that your exes are your exes for a reason and frankly we just are not equally yoked. I walked in and coincidentally he was in the corner talking to the cousin of another ex boyfriend of mine. I walked over and said hello. My exboyfriend gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek. "You want your drink... a sex on the beach...right? I was driving so I told him to get me a Sprite. .... I was left with the cousin of my last ex boyfriend whom I broke up with in the middle of my sophomore year of college and have not had a serious boyfriend since.... I lost my ability to ever want the girlfriend title.
Cousin "Wow, JAWS???!!! How are you doin shawty???" (umm are we in Texas now?) "It's been a while!"
JAWS is my initials (Jessica Ashley Wilson Superstar) / childhood nickname/ the name I used when I was radio personality before leaving for college. It will always be a part of me... but now that I'm older the name sounds like something you would call some hood rat chick that loves to "work her jaws" if you get my drift.
Me " I'm fine Mo, how are you?" (Mo stands for "money" none in which this negro has)
Cousin "I see yo fine baby gurl... it amazes me how my cuz let a piece like you go."
That was funny... I asked myself that for years before realizing that his cousin had did me the biggest favor in life!
Me "Yea well, shit happens"
Cousin "What are you doing in town? You move back?"
I'm getting really tired of people asking me why I'm in Iowa... as if I am not from here and my parents don't live here.... is it a crime to visit my mamma?
Me "Im just here for the holidays"
Cousin "You plan on hittin up yo ex A.C. while you here? I know he would like to see you"
Me "I hadn't planned on it..... is he still making those five dollar footlongs at Subway?" (after we broke up he got fired from his job at the YMCA and took a job working at Subway... you know as an ex I am obligated to take a cheap shot)
Cousin "EAT FRESH!" cousin then busts out laughing at his joke. "But really, when is the last time you talked to him?"
me "He called me about 2 years ago from an AA retreat" (Im not making this up)
Cousin "Yea, that nigga is whiled...wreckless... but was actuallly tryin to do some shit when you was around"
By this time Dj ex comes back with the beverages.
Cousin "Aiight Jabba JAWS. If I don't see you before you out you know yous always welcome to swing by my moms. We all still livin in her apartment. She still cookin on Sundays." (dude is like 29 still sleeping in a bunk bed)
Why was I not surprised.
Dj ex just starts staring at me
me " take a pic it will last longer! haha! why are you looking at me like that"
Dj "You was the one I let go"
me "boy BYE! You cheated on me with the town hoe... and then you" (I was interrupted)
Dj "Why you got to even go there. Im sayin... you are a good girl. Smarter than any female I know... funny as hell... well liked... and your business is not all out on the streets. You aren't out there like alot of these girls."
me "sounds like someone just wants a free trip out to NY... I am not the one."
Dj "I mean hey... that sounds like fun, but you know I'm not on that. You really are the one I let go! Anyway, i got to get back and take my turn on these tables... if you out before my sets over.... the least you can do is say bye first."
He walked away. I stood there and watched as he put his signature silver headphones on over his ears and faded into the next song. I was thinking about how we used to co dj events together back in the day. How I was so desperate to master the turn tables that i would sneak in his strip club gigs every Thursday when i was in HS so he could teach me to scratch as he played the music the strippers worked the pole to(this sounds oh so hood now that I reflect). That's when my reminiscing was interrupted by a pat on my shoulder.
Marcus "what's up Ms Lady!"
Marcus was a dude i talked to the summer before my Jr year in college. He too was a DJ and worked in the sales department of KISS FM (the Radio Station I did part time promotions for).
me "hey you... whats going on?"
Marcus "not much pimp, how many dudes you got out there in the rotten apple?"
me "whatever Marcus. how are things?"
Marcus "Welp, me and Jill are about to get married. I'm engaged!" (I could tell he could not wait to tell me that... truth is I was alerted in my minni feeds of this about 3 weeks ago)
I only know one sista named Jill and her last name is Scott.... I knew this chick was white. I'm not one to get all upset when I see black guys with white girls... honestly 90% of the brothas that date white girls... I'm not interested in them in the first place. But, seeing that Marcus and I dated... that puts him in that 10% I would date... which meant I was irritated.
me "well, isn't that magicalllllll!"
Marcus "still a smart ass I see"
Me "I can be... you mad quick to wife her up, but yet you strung me along for quite some time"
Marcus "you were in school and I did not want to deal with the whole long distance thing... you know that hon"
Me "I WENT TO SCHOOL 1 hour and 45 MIN AWAY! THAT IS NOT LONG DISTANCE YOU ASS WHOLE! But I'm sure that Becky... Im sorry Jill... would have dropped out for you and went to community college. All while letting you live with her rent free and drive her car."
Marcus (busts out laughing) "You're a trip! (funny he does not deny the whole rent and car thing) So you want to catch a movie... grab a bite... how long are you here?"
Me "You real bootleg and ultra trifling for asking me out just now. (I'm laughing at this point) Congrats Marcus! I'm going to go ahead and get out of here."
Marcus (shouts after me) "Hit me up JAWS!"
I really wish these dudes would stop shoutin JAWS all loud in the middle of the club. This night was starting to overwhelm me and I just wanted to get out of there, but I had to get up to the Dj booth to thank my ex for the pass and say goodbye.
I get up to the Dj booth and wave cause I know he can't hear me. He singles that he is going to call me and I turn around to leave. Then the most embarrassing thing happened. He gets on the mic!
Dj "bye Jessica!" (he then puts on my fav song in high school.... Snoop Dogg and Pharell "Beautiful") "I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW YOUS MY FAVORITE GIRL!"
Dude was drunk and singing the song to me over the mic. I ran out of there so fast.
The next evening was New Years Eve. As I was walking into a new club my eyes met with my first HS boyfriend. He had his hair all slick fakin like he was Puerto Rican.
He smiled. I flashed a fake grin and kept on walking. He looked different to me now then he did when I was 16. Then he was a star football player, total meat head... but fine. Carmel complected (half black/white) tatted up, gorgeous smile, dark eyes, muscular build, with oh so much swagger. He was18 but looked 23... truth is.... he probably was 23 (he was held back a few times). Now... he just looked raggety.
(quick back story)
We went to different high schools. We met in summer school. I was there to get ahead... he was there because he flunked two classes during the regular school year. He asked me to be his girl at this fast food joint called Arbys... I told him I wanted some good curly fries.
One day after school 2 girls (1 of them pregnant) wanted to beat me up... claiming their home girl was his girlfriend. I was alone and quite frankly could not whoop on pregnant girls (isn't that attempted murder?). Right as they where about to attack the city bus came by. I had no clue where the bus was going... but I jumped on it and ended up at the public library. Once there I called a friend to give me a ride back to the school parking lot where my car was parked. Of course when I called him that night... he had no clue who the girls were... and denyed having another chick. The next day I was ready with my crew... but the girls did not show.
Weeks later he was expelled from school. A few months earlier he had stole all the babies from the child development class, he also took a trophy out of the school's case... and the final straw was him fighting a girl in the school hallway. You see, his mother had passed a few years earlier and she gave him a chain that he donned around his neck in remembrance of her. This girl tried to snatch his chain off. So... he whooped her ass. Thing was... she was in a gang (yes Iowa has bootleg gangs) and some of her fellow hoodlum friends went to my school. So the next day (you guessed it) they were waiting at my locker to take their revenge out on me.... who at the time had NO idea he layed hands on ole girl. The thug bitches didn't touch me.... just talked a whole lot of mess.
2 weeks later me and dude stopped talking. I found out he got a chick pregnant. Yea, I dealt with alot of male BS at an early age... that's why I don't tolerate it now.
(end of back story)
We never talked in the club that night. Every time I turned around he was right behind me. The girl he was with looked like T.I's baby mamma Tiny from Escape. He kept making it a point to bump into me.. but then would never say anything. I just would look at him... flash a smile and walk away.
Then I ran into my prom date's brother.
prom dates brother "JAWS! Ive been looking for you forever girl! You still doing the music thing? I'm trying to get signed!"
me "aren't we all trying to get signed (I was being slick)... nah man. how are you?"
Dates Bro "Maintainin. But I've been looking for you!"
Me "you already said that"
Date's bro "But fo real tho"
Me "How's your brother????!!!!!"
Date's bro "Man, He is in Fort Dodge now"
Me "When did he move up there... all that's in Fort Dodge is the prison"
Date's bro "That's where he is at... in jail."
WAS HE SERIOUS??????????? I COULD NOT TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me "Man! WHAAAAAAAAT??? For real. You better not be lying right now... I'll hit you in your throat!"
Date's bro "Naw he got himself into some shit. He was living with me and the cops came and took him away for probation violation. He was in trouble for theft. He stole some Hennessy from the grocery store.... that was the first offence... then he made stealing a habit."
Me "let me get this straight.... My sweet innocent prom date.... stole some Hen and is now in the PEN?"
Date's bro "yea man. He's been there since July... he gets out in March sometime."
I then got a vision of some sweaty dude named Big Tyrone turning my guy into his bitch. Bench pressing him for his morning work out and then making him give him a message when it was all over.
Me "Well, thanks for the update... Im going to go let that marinate."
I walked away. That was the most bizarre 2 days ever! I realized that I need to do a much better job in picking out the guys that I associate with. Seriously. I must break this pattern. Expect big changes in my 09 dating life!
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