(Every African American either has... or knows someone who has one of the above pics in their bathroom.... think about it. Exactly, just as I thought. LOL!!)
Most New Yorkers know that if you are going to be out for a while in the city, use the restroom before you leave the house. You’d have a better shot at a lasting music career at Bad Boy than finding a public restroom.
I went to the movies with my friend Stacy the other day. Before the movie started I took a trip to the restroom. While in the stall I looked down to see a 2 in a half year old boy staring up at me from the next stall over…. awkward. His mother was changing him on the ground… she had his coat on the floor and laid him on top of it.
Me “That is just nasty! I want to call child services!”
Stacy “That is horrible, why didn’t she use the changing table instead of laying her kid by the toilet?”
Me “And had the nerve to lay the coat down… and then put the coat on him so he could go outside. If it was that serious she needed to go find a changing table.”
(Now that I think about it.... there probably was not a changing table b/c YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BRING A BABY TO THE MOVIES!)
Truth is… that is hard to do in this city. When I first moved here I was walking in midtown and needed to use the restroom… so I did what any normal person would do…. I went to Mc Donald’s. As I was walking towards the back I was stopped by a big burley bouncer.
Bouncer “Receipt please”
Me “Oh no see… I’m not trying to buy the restroom, I just want to use it.” (didn’t realize the bathroom was like an exclusive club and your receipt the VIP pass)
Bouncer “You can’t use the bathroom unless you purchase something.”
Me “Are you serious? I have to buy a Happy Meal in order to use the bathroom… how about you just act like I showed you a receipt.”
Bouncer “I would, but my boss is over there looking.”
I understand there is an issue with homeless people…. But dang! Access denied at Mickey D’s? What makes it worse is Manhattan Mc Donald’s do not have dollar menus… so to go to the bathroom you’d have to pay around $5.
Most places practice this closed restroom policy. So if you are ever in the city and have to go…. do what I do. Go to either a department store like Macy’s or to a large hotel like The Hilton or Marriot. Using the restroom is a right and you should never have to pay for it.
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