Okay this is crazy and it’s mind blowing to me how my roomie sleeps through all of this. Some lady in the apartment below is getting Chris’ed (prior to Feb 8th I would have said Ike’ed)
It is now 1:07am… the upstairs people are still having step team, tumbling, and bowling practice (I’m being sarcastic) and now domestic violence is coming from underneath. All I hear are the chilling screams and cries of a woman… the couple is yelling in Spanish… so I can’t understand a thing. Glass is breaking and I hear a lot of banging. Neighbors are now beating on the apartment door asking her if she is okay.
I feel like Kim Wayans character on In Living Color “I aint one to gossip so you didn’t hear it from me!”
I don’t know what be goin on in this building! Last night fried chicken was all on the floor in the hallway. The police came a few weeks ago because someone was busting beer bottles on the stairs. One of our landlords has his jump offs in and out. I need to move into a building with more white people…. cause real talk the police would have BEEN here by now. Poor lady has been screaming for the past 30 min. I live right across the street from the police station (one of the reasons I moved in). People are just ignoring her… shoot… I’m blogging about it.
Okay, so if you read about how I can’t sleep because of my upstairs neighbors… let me continue.
Sunday I wrote them a kind letter politely asking them to keep it down during sleeping hours. I slid the note under their door. They slid it back saying “Am sorry. Thanks for note. It’s not we.”
A few hours later the nice African college student who sometimes helps me carry in my groceries and his father came to my door. I did not know they lived above me.
Father “Thanks for kind letter, but it is the people above us and their wild children making all the noise.”
He went on and on about how he’s talked to the woman and how they need to be moved into another building. I don’t think her noise would travel to my apartment… but whatever. I thanked him for talking to me and I wrote to the woman 2 floors up. She came downstairs and we talked… there is no way it is her making the noise. She told me the African family has not once came to complain about her and that she was going to have it out with them. SOMEONE IS LYING AND I WILL NOT REST (literally) UNTIL I FIND OUT WHO! I’m just too fly to have dark circles and bags under these eyes!
The fight has now moved into the hallway and is echoing LOUDLY. I purchased some $7 earplugs yesterday. They are the kind they use at the shooting range. Ummmm I need a refund cause I still hear noise.
Welp, 5-0 is now in the building... I hear them on the talkie thingy. Intersting... the upstiars foolishness has now quieted down. This might be my chance to sneak in about 10 min of shut-eye
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